Solve pain for your members. Save millions.

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Increasing healthcare equity and access—one member at a time

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Over 10 million

lives covered….

Why Sword

Driven by clinical experts, powered by AI, accessible from anywhere.

Industry-leading outcomes & ROI

By helping members avoid surgery, ER visits, and painkillers, we drastically reduce healthcare costs through clinical outcomes that are unmatched—saving our customers an average of $3,012 per member per year on care for MSK disorders and related chronic conditions and delivering up to a 3:1 ROI, powered by predictive analytics that detect the highest-risk members and help them avoid unnecessary, expensive medical procedures.

Clinical rigor

Our team is composed of experienced clinicians, including physical therapists and Pelvic Health Specialists, each with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. And we have more FDA-listed devices, technology patents, published clinical studies, and regulatory clearances than any other company in the industry.

Personalized programs for every member

Each program is custom tailored for every member. Between regular communication with a clinical expert and data gathered through connected technology, clinicians regularly adjust members’ programs based on goals, needs, and progress.

Advanced, easy-to-use technology

Sword’s superior technology guides members through routines and uses motion capture technology, powered by AI, to detect poor form and deliver live, corrective feedback to help members perform the exercises and movements correctly every time. Phoenix, the world’s first AI Care Specialist, communicates with members through natural conversation, providing precision correction, program customization, and motivation.

Coordinated plan of care

We act as an extension of your clinical care and concierge service. By working directly with the member, the health plan, and providers, we promote a seamless care ecosystem. And to further inform and better coordinate treatment, Sword360 integrates our clinical portal with electronic medical records from a member’s traditional care team.

Health plan expertise

We know, listen to, and understand health plans and their often complex and challenging integration needs. Sword has a team dedicated to providing a frictionless experience for your business.

Designed for health plans

Solutions for each line of your business

ASO clients
  • ASO Clients

The Highest Validated Savings
With Sword, you can save thousands of dollars for your members and millions for your business. Find out what you could save below.
Cost savings (ROI) per member per year4

How many members are in your organization?

10,000 members
Estimated savings with Sword
Estimated savings with next best competitor
Estimated savings with next best competitor
Our Solutions

Meet Sword: the world’s first platform to predict, prevent, and treat pain.

Best-in-class digital physical therapy from the comfort of home
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The highest-quality physical health education and resources
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Access to on-demand clinical pain specialists
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The next generation of women's pelvic health care
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A whole-body solution designed to address low pain and reduce the risk of injury
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Built to predict and avoid costs of unnecessary surgeries
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Global access to pain-fighting exercises and education
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Computer Vision
Computer vision utilizes the camera on the distributed Digital Therapist to take a rendering of each member’s form. Sword’s motion processing AI analyzes the members' movements and provides live feedback. Our physical therapists then use the performance data to monitor progress and continuously tailor each program. In addition to driving similar member satisfaction and completion rates, computer vision also drives similar or greater member outcomes than sensor-based programs.
People come first

The proof is in the results.

Your employees, living without pain
10 weeks into the program my back pain completely dissolved. It’s like complete freedom from something that’s been terrorizing you 24 hours a day.


Sword member


reduction in surgery intent

Sword members are up to 70% less likely to consider surgery at the end of their program. 8


of members are pain-free*

Sword members report a 67% pain reduction at the end of their program. 9


of members stopped taking painkillers9


decrease in anxiety12


decrease in depression10


increase in productivity11

Client Testimonials

We strive to over deliver for our clients.

Concordia Plans testimonial quote

“[Sword has] one of, if not the, most efficient implementation processes I have ever been a part of. So many times we left meetings and heard from internal stakeholders ‘Can all of these go this easily?!’ Implementation was a dream with the Sword team.”

Sara Correnti
Concordia Plans
Client retention
Time to launch

Latest resources

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Discover how to free your people from pain



Home-Based Rehabilitation with a Novel Digital Biofeedback System Versus Conventional In-Person Rehabilitation After Total Knee Replacement: A Feasibility Study, Nature; Digital Versus Conventional Rehabilitation After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Single-Center, Parallel-Group Pilot Study, JMIR.


Bailey, et al., JMIR, 2020.


npj Digit. Med. 6, 121 (2023). doi: 10.1038/s41746-023-00870-3


Validation Institute report on SWORD savings, 2021.


JAMA. 2020;323(9):863–884. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.0734


Hudson, T. J., Edlund, M. J., Steffick, D. E., Tripathi, S. P. & Sullivan, M. D. Epidemiology of Regular Prescribed Opioid Use: Results from a National, Population-Based Survey. J. Pain Symptom Manage, 2008.


Healthcare. 2022; 10(8):1595. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10081595


* % of members who enroll in our programs with moderate to severe pain and by the end of the program have only mild or no pain. Sword BoB H1 2023


J Pain Res. 2022 Jan 8;15:53-66. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S343308


Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2023 Feb;63:102709. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2022.102709


Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 22;10(8):1595. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10081595

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